+4 votes
in Android by (3k points)
How to put style or appearance Google Pixel 2 on Android mobile

1 Answer

+5 votes
by (183k points)
Best answer

1. Download the Google Pixel 2 wallpaper or background
2. Edit the buttons as in Google Pixel 2
3. Locate the Google Pixel 2 search bar at the bottom
4. Adjust desktop grid like Google Pixel 2
5. Get the Google Pixel 2 Icon Pack
6. Get a clock widget like Google Pixel 2

Today's mobile devices have designs and features that we may never have thought possible, from being waterproof to having cameras larger than 20 MP makes each one of its kind..


Obviously, having advanced functions we will have to get much more money ready, as is the case with equipment such as the iPhone 8, Samsung S8 , etc.


One of these special cases is the LG G6 which, thanks to its design, was ranked as one of the best and served as a benchmark for the competition:


The highlight there were his wallpapers made with cutouts, acrylic types, and finishes that stood out above the rest..


Google Pixel 2 is another of the interesting proposals that is positioned in a superior way for its design and productivity options, and although its cost is still a little high, EUR 959, if we have some type of device with Android it will be possible to emulate this appearance To enjoy its design when at some point, sooner or later, we buy a new one and HowConnection will teach you how to carry out this process.



1. Download the Google Pixel 2 wallpaper or background


Step 1

The first and most important step is to get the wallpaper. We have the following wallpaper:




Step 2

We can download it in HD quality at the following link:


 Pixel Background 2


Google Pixel 2 is marketed as a comprehensive solution for all the needs of its users and this fact is perfectly reflected in the default Pixel 2 wallpaper. We can download the background by clicking on the download button located at the top..



2. Edit the buttons as in Google Pixel 2


Step 1

At this point Nova Launcher comes into action which we can download at the following link:


 Nova Launcher


Step 2

Nova Launcher is the first modern Android launcher, covering all Material Design at all times.
Nova Launcher replaces the home screen with one that we can control and be personalized. Changing icons, designs, animations and more will be a simple task with this app.


Nowadays touches and gestures have replaced most of the device's tasks and buttons, it is natural that the Pixel 2 home screen requests the removal of the App Drawer button and the Page Indicator.


Using Nova Launcher, removing the button from the app drawer is simple, just use a long press to delete what is available on the screen:




Step 3

To configure the page indicator, or also called scroll, click on the Nova icon (central icon with 6 vertical points) and the following window will be displayed:




Step 4

There we click on "Settings" and in the displayed window select the category "Desktop":




Step 5

There we go to the "Displacement indicator" section and click on the "Displacement indicator" line:




Step 6

In the displayed options we select "None":




Step 7

Now, it will be necessary to have an alternative way to access the applications. For that, we go to the "Applications" section and activate the "Slide to open" switch:




Step 8

Once this is done, a simple swipe up will display all the apps on the device:





3. Locate the Google Pixel 2 search bar at the bottom

We know that Google abandoned the search bar at the top for a more productive search bar at the bottom and a smaller weather indicator.


Step 1

With Nova we can configure the search bar at the bottom by going to the "Desktop / Search bar style" section and there we will activate the following option:




Step 2

We can apply the style of the logo by activating the box where the letter G of Google is located at the bottom.
Now all we have to do is go to the home screen, hold the search bar widget and drag it down:






4. Adjust desktop grid like Google Pixel 2

The standard Android skin comes with a Google folder and the important apps lined up underneath it. Now, the next step is to ungroup these applications and organize them as we wish.
The new Pixel 2 display packs on five icons are placed next to each other, therefore the grid must be set to 5 X 5.


For this configuration, in Nova, we go to the path “Desktop / Desktop Grid“ and there we adjust the grid to the value of 5 X 5. Click on “Done” once it is configured in this way.





5. Get the Google Pixel 2 Icon Pack

Once the icons are sorted, we can get the pixel look by adding the versatility of the Pixel icon pack.


Step 1

We can download one for free at the following link. There are many more both paid and free.


 Pixel icons


Step 2

Once the icon packs have been downloaded we go to the "Appearance" section and in the displayed window select the "Icon Theme" option:




Step 3

When pressing there the following window will be displayed where we can select the package that we have downloaded:




Step 4

Once we define the group of icons, we can open the downloaded package which will have, in this case, the following appearance. There we can select the desired icon and click Apply.






6. Get a clock widget like Google Pixel 2


Step 1

Another way to customize our Android as pixel 2 is by adding a clock widget and one of the most useful is Clock Widget available at the following link:


 Clock Widget


Step 2

For this we must go to the home screen, click on the screen and add the respective widget:




Step 3

With these tips we will change the appearance of our Android to the Pixel 2 style:




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