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by (3k points)

AngularJS vs BACKBONE.JS, Jquery, ReactJS and other

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+3 votes
by (3k points)

Angle vs server-side rendering (Server-Side)
Angle vs JavaScript / JQuery
Angle vs ReactJS

Know the advantages of Angular JS against various alternative development as Backbone JS, Jquery or ReactJS.

Angular JS is probably the most popular framework on the market, however, when deciding what the tool protagonist of our application, we must consider much more solid and relevant aspects. 

In this adventure us many questions arise:

 What JavaScript framework or library should I use?Should I even use a framework or library? What if I schedule everything on the server?

Here then, with intent to answer many of these questions, I decided to do a comparative (although they say that comparisons are ugly) Angular against different development alternatives. Let us begin!

Angle vs server-side rendering (Server-Side)

Some think that this comparison is rather far-fetched but sit down and make memory for a moment. Is not it true that before the revolution and the advent of JavaScript libraries and frameworks, all we programmed using events, functions and methods server side? Clear! Life used to be hard years. 

Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages that today the rendering server-side:




As many of you know, and it's no secret, SEO is much easier to optimize and server-side work.


What the statistics say, there are many more programming oriented programmers back-end server-side or client-side programmers, this means that it is easier to find developers oriented server-side development.


It is no surprise that the most powerful, comprehensive and robust languages ​​are on the server side. We have PHP, Java, .NET, Rails, etc. While on the client we have only our ally JavaScript.


It is probably the most common reason why a developer would choose to develop client-side rendering, because actions do not require a trip to the server, which complicates the usability requirements and demands greater work effort.


I think we all agreed that in recent years, the development has evolved considerably over the client-side, which means that many programmers find more interesting meeting and working with new technologies in the market. This may not be a universal truth for all, but it definitely is a point to consider.

For these reasons Angle wins on the server side rendering because you can build quality products with very similar but with much less effort.

Angle vs JavaScript / JQuery

Legend has it that the world of web development started with client-side JavaScript, but took a big jump when called JQuery framework was born. In fact, many people still choose to write JavaScript code in native (without using any framework) or use the endless JQuery now in version 2. But Angle came to tell us that we would not need to use JQuery anymore. How true is this?

We evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of JavaScript / JQuery vs. Angle:



Ability to fit better in extreme cases.

If you have the case of a very different application to the common web application, if you have very unusual requirements, may return to native code to create a custom framework as convenient.


This segregates the first advantage, and that is, the cost to maintain applications with high levels of customization is very high.


If you work in a web project where a custom framework was created to meet the requirements of this unusual project, be prepared for reuse little or no knowledge acquired and to learn a technology that applies only to a specific project.


Before the arrival of Angle, the rule of client-side development and applications of the SPA was governed by Backbone. It is very likely that this is the toughest battle there, and although Backbone does not become a framework but rather a bookstore, has capabilities that are well defined and beautifully constructed.

then we evaluate the advantages and disadvantages that have Backbone against Angular:



Applications already built

We began the battle by saying that BACKBONE.JS was older. This results in many existing and operable in the technology market applications are built on Backbone and because of its complexity or simply because they work as they should do, there is no interest in migrating to Angle.


From the above as first cost advantage against segregates. Angular build an application is cheaper to do it in any old framework, simply because you write a lot less code.


Angle has more features and functionality than any other framework.


There are many more jobs for former Angular any framework development.


The oldest frameworks like Backbone are not updated as often as Angle, this brings problems in finding bugs or features that do not work quite right in certain scenarios.

Angle vs ReactJS

React is the latest sensation in building user interfaces and DOM components greatly it facilitates the development. Many people often ask me what is better?That's not a good question because they are made to cover different types of needs, but we can draw comparisons based applications similar to React Angle.




React is fast, and seen a certain way, faster than Angle. Of course this is also conditional on the type of web application that we are developing.

Support for Web Browsers

React support older versions of IE, so that if one of your requirements is to support older versions of IE, React is what you need.


Angular remains more popular, and although more and more people know React, is unlikely to become as popular as angular. This entails that many projects decide for Angle as their development framework client-side.

Frankenstein Framework

React suffers from what is known as a framework "Frankenstein". React as such is just a rendering engine. It does other things like routing or communication with the server, so you have to find third libraries to integrate to your application and to have all the capabilities you need.
With Angle, have all in one, it is a complete solution.

The conclusion seems obvious, but if you're thinking that Angle is the solution to all your problems, you could be wrong.

Good bye ANgular
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