+5 votes
by (183k points)
How can I connect Samsung I9500 Galaxy S4 to the Smart TV

How can I connect Samsung I9500 Galaxy S4 to the Smart TV

2 Answers

+3 votes
by (183k points)

Two methods to connect your Samsung I9500 Galaxy S4 Android smartphone to the TV
Using a HDMI Cable
by WiFi

Two methods to connect your Samsung I9500 Galaxy S4 Android smartphone to the TV

Using a HDMI Cable

This is the simplest method, since you only need an HDMI cable. It will depend on the type of mobile device, some already bring the micro HDMI port , but in other cases it will be necessary to use an MHL micro USB to HDMI converter , such as the above image, which has cost about 8 euros.

All you have to connect the cable to your Android and the TV, and look for the HDMI source with the TV remote. Once done, you will have the screen of your smartphone or tablet on your TV and you can see games, apps, videos and your favorite content on the big screen.

by WiFi

To connect your smartphone to the TV wirelessly, two things are necessary. First, your TV must have WiFi option, something we find virtually any SmartTV today. On the other hand, your phone must also have multiple function display. If you are sure that accounts with both options, just follow these steps:

  1. Through the source of your TV, find the wireless display option. 
  2. Start multi - screen option on your smartphone. Once inside, your phone will start searching for other devices that are connected to the WiFi network through this function. Here you must select your TV. 
  3. Once the two devices are recognized, the screen of your smartphone appear on the TV.

There are also some applications where you need not follow these steps because they can connect to the TV automatically. This occurs with numerous video and image applications, such as YouTube or your phone gallery.

In these applications you will find an icon with two screens or a screen and connecting a WiFi signal. Clicking on this button, you'll find all the devices connected to your network. You have to choose your TV and the app in question will appear on the screen.

I tell you that I have the same problem, I can not see on my LG fullhd screen what my galaxys4. Although I follow the instructions to the letter. I connect the charger of my phone from the power to the mhl adapter, the mhl adapter to my phone and to the screen via hdmi, I confide my samsung galaxy s4 going to configuration, my device, accessory and where it says hdmi I select surround audio output ... I do not know what I'm going to fail, I hope you You can help me a lot thanks beforehand.
Someone found a solution to this ??, seems to be LGs problems, the mia is a 42LE5400
The problem must be that the adapter is VERSION 1.0 and the S4 needs version 2.0, I also buy an adapter version 1.0 and I do not work with a SONY LCD, and reading on the internet says it is because the cable has to support version 2.0 which is With which the S4 works, I hope I have helped them.
+4 votes

What do we need?
How to install wiring mode
How to install the wireless mode

As is well known, the Samsung Galaxy S4 is known for, among other features, the large size of the screen (too much for my taste). This has allowed the Korean colossus direct their product to an audience preferences for gaming and HD streaming. However, if your 5-inch screen you seems insufficient to run certain applications or simply want to enjoy the experience of playing on your TV and watch movies, we offer a brief guide to connect a Samsung Galaxy S4 to the TV.

We can do it in two ways: wired or wireless. Both options are good but we must take into account both the difference in costs and procedures. I personally recommend the wiring for being the cheapest and easiest, however, will detail both.

What do we need?

Basically we need, plus a TV with HDMI input, an MHL adapter - HDMI, HDMI cable and a wireless adapter, preferably Samsung or Netgear. It goes without saying that the more original Samsung device involved in the connection, the better.

How to install wiring mode

Wiring mode offers a number of advantages that highlight it as the best option. For starters, it is much simpler and cheaper than the wireless mode, will not suffer any lag, or desfasaje- and has better audio quality (works up to a hometheater 7.1). It is ideal for watching movies.

To install the connection must, as a first step, connect the battery charger (energy intensive screening), then we connect our MHL-HDMI adapter into the upper port of the device.

Then we proceed to set the phone. We go to Settings> My Device> Accesory> Audio output and tickeamos "surround". Once this step we connect the mobile phone with the HDMI adapter cable to the HDMI input of the TV. Now what appears on the mobile screen should appear on the TV.

How to install the wireless mode

The wireless connection is more complicated but it is the best option to play. Even some games are configured for this mode turning the phone into a remote with second screen, as if it were the Wii U Gamepad

For this mode we need to use our wireless adapter. This device allows the TV recognizes the mobile signal, clear that in a not too distant future this technology will be replaced as televisions recognize the mobile signal themselves, but so far we recommend that you install the adapter.

Connect the adapter to the HDTV input from configuration and change the font to "HDTV" mode. Once you see the light flashes red device reset press and notice that changes to blue.

Then on your phone go to Settings> Connections and from there you activate the Screen Mirroring. After a few seconds the TV should show what appears on your phone.

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