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How to use the wired remote PC Xbox 360

1 Answer

+5 votes

  • To connect the wired remote control of the Xbox first thing you should do is get into the web of Microsoft . Once there, you must select the operating system of your PC and start the download.

  • To run the downloaded file , you must accept a license agreement Microsoft and will begin to install the files to complete the installation.

  • Once installed, just we have to open the application to detect the command and you can enjoy your PC games with the command of Xbox 360 .

You can also use this software to load the wireless controller with the cable kit Loading and Play without connecting to the console, it is a very good solution if you have a laptop and the cable will not reach the couch. Note that, If you have an Internet connection, thanks to Windows Update command could be installed automatically without the need to download anything in Windows 7 and Windows 8.

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